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Dead Poets

Author Biography
Poetry By
  David Myers

Published on: 1/22/2014
Dot at the End of the Sentence

Well, let's see.
I was born and then I died.
No, wait a moment.
I had a mother and a father, but they're gone too.
No brothers or sisters, unless you count the world's population.
Then I have some living, some dead, some dying, some to be born.
And some I need to make war on.
I had two cats, too. Nobody really cares about them.
Most people I knew were dog people.
Dog people. They are significant.
Days and nights filled with work, weekends with leisure,
Sunday prayers. I prayed other days, too, when I remembered to.
I had friends, some that lasted, most not. They were too busy with their lives.
Me, too.
One day I went to get up but I didn't get up.
That's pretty much it. Some people cried at my funeral.
One lady I didn't even know, she said it was all just very sad, the whole thing was just very sad.
At that moment, I wasn't really paying attention to her.
I was just looking at the grass around everyone's feet
And realizing just how green
It really was.

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